Thank You, From One Teacher to Another...
A couple weeks ago I heard the sad news that my high school Principal passed away. I found out late at night as I worked on my laptop on something for my students. I read messages of gratitude, thanks and praise from former students on social media for days. As I reflected on my high school years and the effect she had on my life, it made me think. It made me think about the sacrifices she made as an educator and the dedication she showed to the youth. It made me want to thank anyone who worked in education. So, here is my “Thank You” note to educators...
I want to thank you for choosing “them”. Them, as in the boys and girls that have and will walk into your classroom.
I want to thank you for choosing to be a parent, a mentor, a sounding board for fed up parents and confused students.
I want to thank you for sacrificing your time, sleep, and energy for the betterment of our future.
I want to thank you the moments when you sacrifice your personal time to support and encourage our children.
Thank you for those “Ah ha” moments that happen at home, that make you step away and edit your lesson plans. You do this because you know the extra time you put in is worth it.
I want to thank you for choosing a life full of never ending “To Do” Lists and mental exhaustion.
I want to thank you for following your heart and choosing a career that is underpaid, underappreciated and misunderstood.
I want to thank you for waking up every day and finding the strength to walk into that classroom even when you don't feel like you can make it.
I want to thank you for your dedication and commitment to teaching.
I want to thank you for the hours you put in making a child feel worthy.
Thank you for your relentless pursuit of greatness.
I want to thank you for the early mornings, long days, and late nights. You are appreciated!
I know it feels like your efforts go unnoticed and your struggle is not acknowledged. We see you…we see your passion even when you believe no one is looking.
You are and will continue to be a gift to students.
Whether you decide to teach for a year or for a decade…thank you. Without you, education would not be possible. YOU are a necessity, YOU are a gift, YOU are fulfilling a purpose.
Thank you…from one teacher to another!